Press Rapidways Urban Planning

Metrolinx committed to breaking ground on vivaNext rapidways this fall.

Metrolinx President and CEO Rob Prichard takes questions from reporters after the public session of the July 13 meeting
Metrolinx President and CEO Robert Prichard takes questions from reporters after the public session of the July 13 meeting.

Metrolinx, the body created by the Government of Ontario to develop and implement an integrated transportation plan for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, is committed to working with Viva toward a fall 2009 construction start date for the rapidways project. During their July 13th public board meeting, Metrolinx President and CEO Robert Prichard said, “Progress is going very well indeed. We want to break ground this fall and we are working hard to do so.” During the meeting, Metrolinx General Manager of Investment Strategy and Projects John Howe presented our renderings of the Davis Drive rapidway to show how it will look in the future. They generated a lot of excitement amongst those in attendance.

If you would like to see the renderings presented at the meeting for yourself click here or visit, where you’ll also find a link to the Metrolinx website in case you are also interested in viewing the meeting agenda.

Live-work-play Urban Planning

Transit-oriented development coming to Hercules, California

Many communities around the world are making an attempt at combating urban sprawl. An excellent example is in a town near San Francisco, California. They are preventing urban sprawl and revitalizing a formerly industrial waterfront by creating a pedestrian-friendly, transit-oriented city.

What separates Hercules from other cities is that they are reclaiming land that was previously used for other functions instead of building on unused land that is “green”.

The town is also taking transit-oriented development to another level with a transit hub that will include a ferry terminal, an Amtrak rail station and buses destined for surrounding communities. Next to the terminal will be homes, offices, restaurants, retail stores and public space. Having everything close by encourages residents to walk instead of using the car, shop locally and meet their neighbours.

Having transit options, especially going to San Francisco, is a step in reducing traffic on some of the continents most congested roads.

Reducing congestion and commute times are ideas the vivaNext project will also bring to York Region.

What do you think about Hercules and the new urbanism in this suburban town?<-->

Community Events

Thanks for making our Canada Day so great!

What a day we had on July 1st thanks to you! Our vivaNext teams attended both the Kanata Day festivities at Fairy Lake in Newmarket, and the Canada Day Home Show in Richmond Hill. Our teams spent the entire day talking to hundreds of enthusiastic residents – perhaps even you – who expressed great excitement about vivaNext projects and the urban transformation they will bring to York Region. Everybody had such great questions for us, which we were only too happy to answer.

We also had a lot of fun handing out thousands of informative pamphlets and bookmarks, handy magnetic whiteboards, and of course, delicious treats. After all, what’s a birthday party without treats. Our vivaNext mime was at Fairy Lake in Newmarket as well to entertain the kids while moms and dads spoke to our vivaNext team members.

In case you missed us on Canada Day, here are a few photos we thought you’d enjoy seeing!


Study shows you should expect to spend longer commuting

Traffic slowly moving along Highway 7.
Traffic slowly moving along Highway 7 in York Region.

If you think that your commute is taking longer, you’d be right and the bad news is that you’re not alone.

A recent survey conducted jointly by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation, the City of Toronto and the Regions of York, Durham and Peel confirms that average speeds on highways and roads all around the GTA are decreasing. On average, a trip now takes 11% to 21% longer than the exact same trip in 2002.

While this figure applies to the entire GTA, one of the worst long sections of highway is travelled by many York Region residents every day. The section travelling southbound along Hwy. 404 from 16th Ave. to Hwy. 401 during the morning rush hour is the slowest long stretch of highway in the GTA. Motorists see an average speed of 31km/h along this stretch during the morning peak period. Driving along Hwy. 404 during peak hours takes 3.5 times longer than during times when you are able to drive at the posted speed limit.

But York Region roads are not just congested by drivers heading in to and out of Toronto. The study looked at Highway 7 all the way from Durham to Peel Region, an 88 km stretch, and found that three of the five slowest sections were in York Region.

Average speeds on Hwy. 7 through York Region are often almost half of the posted speed limit and not just during rush hours. The study found that driving on Hwy. 7 in the middle of the day is almost as slow as driving it during the morning rush.

The simple solution as we see it is to get more people out of those cars that are causing the increase in congestion and get them on fast, convenient transit.

Do you agree that traffic is getting worse? What are some solutions?

Announcements Community Events

Celebrate Canada’s birthday with vivaNext!

On July 1, vivaNext teams will be out in the community at two different locations taking part in Canada Day celebrations and talking to local residents about our projects.

One of our teams will be at Fairy Lake in Newmarket for the Kanata Day festivities, where you can start the day with a pancake breakfast until noon for just $3 a serving. There will also be all sorts of other fun activities for the entire family to enjoy including inflatable bouncers, a bike competition, a baseball tournament, and live entertainment including our very own vivaNext mime. Then to top it all off, there will be the annual fireworks display presented by the Town of Newmarket.

Our second vivaNext team will be celebrating the day at the Canada Day Home Show in Richmond Hill. If you decide to spend the day there, be sure to drop by our booth to learn more about vivaNext. The Show’s taking place at the Sports Complex at 1300 Elgin Mills Road East from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

At vivaNext, we can’t think of a better way to spend Canada Day than with all of the great people who reside in York Region. We look forward to seeing you!

Live-work-play LRT Urban Planning

Successes in Portland with the “Total transit system”

Part of the total transit system in Portland, Ore.
Part of the total transit system in Portland, Ore.

While we enjoy talking about our projects, it’s also important to highlight some of the other positive transit initiatives that are going on around the world. Before we first launched Viva, we looked to other cities to see what lessons we could learn. One city that provided inspiration was Portland, Oregon.

Fred Hansen, Portland transportation manager, was recently featured on The Agenda with Steve Paikin talking about the “total transit system”. He said it’s not only about reducing travel time, but it’s about being able to properly plan your trip by knowing exactly when a transit vehicle will arrive. Portland uses light rail, commuter trains, streetcars and buses to move people.

They also have something called “frequent service”, meaning no matter what day or time, a vehicle will be there within 15 minutes on a frequent service route. Hansen said that when people can count on a vehicle arriving, they have seen triple-digit increases in ridership. Portland uses GPS so riders can go online or call to find out exactly what time a vehicle will arrive.

But Hansen said what they really want to do is create neighbourhoods – that it’s all about livability. A residential community is not just a place where people sleep or have a meal, but it should also be a place where people can get a glass of wine or a cup of coffee. The downtown core shouldn’t just be a place where people work. It should also have services and places for people to live. Transit has to reflect the community and be a part of the streetscape.

While the program focused on how Toronto can learn lessons from Portland, I would like to highlight the initiative of Portland and say that we hope to bring all these ideas to York Region and more. In fact, many of the ideas were initiated with phase one of Viva including using GPS so riders can know the exact arrival time. VivaNext will continue to build on leading industry standards that ultimately improves quality of life.

The ideas Hansen talks about are the same ideas we talk about around the office every day. We are using transit to lay the ground work for communities where people don’t just live, but also work and play. That is the end goal, transit is the medium.

What do you think of what Portland is doing? What other good ideas do you think we can copy from other places in the world?

I encourage you to watch the full conversation between Fred and Steve. It is followed by a panel discussion about how to share the road.

Watch the show

Community Events

What a day for the Aurora Street Fair

VivaNext representatives Devon (left) and Kyle getting ready to talk to people at our tent at the Aurora Street Festival.

We spent this past Sunday at the Aurora Street Festival and what a fun day it was. Even though the weather was calling for cool temperatures and rain, the light showers stopped just as the festival began and the sun even came out for a little while in the afternoon.

This all made for the perfect day to take a stroll down Yonge St. checking out all the vendors, interacting with the mimes and stilt walkers, scaling the rock climbing wall and eating all the terrific food. We had our blue vivaNext tent set up at the north end of the festival to hand out magnetic whiteboards, candy and, of course, talk to people about our projects, which include two subway extensions, two light rail lines and rapidways.

While the magnetic whiteboard give-a-ways were a huge hit, I’ve got to say that people seemed most excited when we told them about the future of rapid transit in York Region. The majority of their comments included “it’s about time” and “wow, that’s going to be great.”

It was so exciting to see the look on people’s faces, especially teenagers, when we told them that subways, light rails and rapidways are planned for York Region.

We also had a mime on stilts at our booth, who was very entertaining and great with the people who were out for the festival. With his painted white face and a ton of energy, he joked around with people and created quite a stir around our tent.

At the end of the day when we were beginning to pack up, we talked about how we enjoy doing events like this because we get to talk to residents about projects that are going to transform their communities. VivaNext is so exciting because it is going to improve people’s quality of life and help manage future growth.

Thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth to say hi and learn about vivaNext. I hope you enjoyed the festival.

Announcements Surveys

York Region residents cite congestion as reason to improve transit

Traffic congestion

We all know that traffic congestion is getting worse. The major arteries, including Yonge St., Davis Dr. and Highway 7, are packed during peak hours of the day and congestion is only expected to get worse. That is a key reason why York Region is taking steps to improve rapid transit and build livable cities.

We wanted to know what you had to say about congestion, so we recently conducted a survey.* When asking York Region residents how they rate traffic congestion on a 10-point scale, over 75% of them said it was between a six and a 10, where 10 was high traffic congestion. In fact, four times more people rate traffic congestion as “high” than rate it as “low”. And almost 25% of the people surveyed rated congestion as an eight on the scale.

When asked about solutions, the largest percentage of respondents said that more and better rapid transit was the answer. People also cited bicycle lanes and more roads as other solutions.

It sounds like we are on the right track to providing those who work and/or live in York Region the solutions they need to avoid congestion.

What do you think about traffic congestion around York Region and what else should be done? Tell us what you think.

*Survey deemed accurate to within 5 percentage points

Going Green Live-work-play Urban Planning

Save time and relieve stress by getting rid of the commute

An artist rendering of what the live-work-play community at Markham Centre will look like when complete. Rendering courtesy of the Remington Group.
An artist rendering of what the live-work-play community at Markham Centre will look like when complete. Rendering courtesy of the Remington Group.
Construction at Enterprise, which will be within walking distance of the above rendering of Markham Centre.
Construction at Enterprise, which will be within walking distance of the above rendering of Markham Centre.

Are you tired of sitting in congested traffic trying to get to work or to visit with friends and family?

I don’t like to think that we are simply designing and building a rapid transit system. We are helping to create live-work-play communities. That’s the basic term for living in a place where everything is nearby. The goal is to create more time in your life and reduce reliance on a vehicle to get around.

Other names for this concept are a mixed-use development or new urbanism. The idea is the same: it is about making communities that let you live within walking distance of work, shopping, restaurants, cinemas, parks and other activities. And when you do have to travel, there are transit options nearby such as subways, rapidways and GO trains.

Unlike many parts of Europe where it’s the norm, it will no doubt require a mind-shift from many Ontarians. But I can tell you that it’s already starting with the youth. They get it from a logical, environmental and social standpoint. I get the sense that they place greater importance on quality of life and that excludes sitting in a vehicle for hours every day.

This shift has also started in our local communities – Markham, Mississauga and Richmond Hill for example.

What examples have you seen? What are your kids saying about it?

Going Green Rapidways Stations

Gimme Shelter

Rendering of a vivastation showing the middle section, which will be enclosed and heated.
Rendering of a vivastation showing the middle section, which will be enclosed and heated.

As you might have already heard, we are currently working on a video where the lead architect of the new vivastations talks about the design of the shelters for the rapidways we will be building over the next few years.

Since that video is not yet completed and there’s growing interest in how the vivastations will keep people protected from the weather, I wanted to take some time to talk about a few features of the new stations. In a way, here’s a trailer of the video…

There will be three different sections (modules) in each station. The middle section will be completely enclosed and heated, blocking the wind, rain, snow and cold temperatures.

Extensive consultation with the public told us that comfort and keeping warm are very important to riders, which is reflected in the design for the new service.

The stations will be large enough to provide adequate personal space and there’ll be an overhang reaching above the vehicles to protect people boarding and alighting on rainy days.

The stations are also more environmentally friendly. Energy efficient LED lights will brighten the station at night. The enclosed section will have automatic accessible doors at each end of the enclosure. They will still have sensors to open automatically, but as you can see in the picture, the hinged doors are on the side of the enclosed section. This will keep heat from escaping when someone triggers the sensor by walking along the platform. Accessibility has also been top of mind during the design process, ensuring that the platform and station design are accessible for individuals with disabilities.

Each platform will be 55 metres long with a 27-metre glass and steel canopy structure in the middle. This will make the stations easy to find and the curved canopy will blend well into the natural streetscape.

Last week, we had a full day of production, shooting interviews and b-roll for the video. Watch for the finished product on our website in the coming weeks.