Community Events

vivaNext has Christmas spirit!

The third annual State Farm Festival of Trees for Southlake has begun at the Upper Canada Mall in Newmarket and vivaNext is right in the thick of it!

The goal of this joyous and festive event is to raise funds for Southlake Regional Health Centre by having businesses sponsor and decorate a tree with a theme based on their brand. These trees are showcased throughout the Upper Canada Mall, (pssst…ours is right beside the escalator near The Bay).

There’s quite a few colourful and creative trees around the mall, so be sure to see them all. And while you’re there, vote on your favourite tree. You can vote any time between November 22, 2012 and January 4, 2013 at the voting machines located near the Festival display in the mall.

We wish Southlake great success in their efforts for our Regional Health Centre, from which we all benefit.

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