Newmarket Project News >> open and connected

Spring/Summer 2020

Yonge & Davis vivastation

viva arrowSince opening on January 5, the Yonge Street rapidway has offered connections to the Newmarket Bus Terminal, which meets up with the Davis Drive rapidway, with connections to the Newmarket GO Station, Southlake Regional Health Centre and the Highway 404 Park & Ride.

But, the Yonge rapidway project is about much more than building dedicated lanes for rapid transit. This project has added upgraded utility infrastructure, wider sidewalks, responsive traffic signals, bike lanes and more, that will serve generations to come.

The revitalization of Davis Drive, and now Yonge Street, supports the growth already happening in Newmarket. As York Region welcomes an increasing population, this new transit, pedestrian and cycling infrastructure gives residents options on how to get around, resulting in a generational shift to less of a dependency on cars.

The rapidways on Yonge in Richmond Hill and Newmarket, on Davis Drive in Newmarket, and on Highway 7 from Vaughan to Markham, are part of the Viva bus rapidway network that includes nearly 34 kilometres of dedicated bus lanes along York Region's main corridors. These rapidways have already made it easier to travel in and around York Region, by improving travel times and service reliability, and integrating with other transit services for better connectivity for those working, living and visiting York Region and beyond.

what's coming up? finishing works

finishing work

viva arrowThis spring and summer, you'll see finishing works along the corridor from Savage Road/Sawmill Valley Drive to Davis Drive, such as planting trees, shrubs and flowers, installation of pedestrian railings at various locations and permanent pavement, crosswalk and bike lane painting and markings. To complete this work, there will be temporary lane closures around work zones during work hours, which will be scheduled during off-peak travel times wherever possible.

In addition, you'll also see deficiency and warranty work to ensure that the end product meets the requirements we set out to build. This provides an opportunity to catch any issues so that they can be fixed while the infrastructure is still under warranty. It often takes all the seasons in a full year to see how things weather in our climate and perform once in use.

In response to the current COVID-19 pandemic and the Province's safety guidelines for construction sites, the contractor has implemented numerous measures to ensure the health and safety of all workers. We will also continue to be responsive to the direction of the Province of Ontario, York Region and Public Health Officials during this evolving situation.

did you know?

Newmarket fun fact

thank you!

viva arrowThrough all the planning, design and construction, there's something special about knowing that you've contributed to the future growth and prosperity of entire neighbourhoods, towns, cities and regions, by connecting people to the places they work, shop and play.

We sincerely thank you for your patience, understanding and valuable feedback during construction of the Yonge Street rapidway. We now have another portion of our rapid transit system completed that we can all be proud of, and that will serve our community for generations to come.

Thank You card

your new contacts

viva arrowYour new contacts, should you require assistance:

new contacts information